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    Starter pageMotor boats ● Baia 48 Flash -

    Baia 48 Flash -

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    If you have any queries or remarks, please send us an email to:
    or contact us by telephone on 0049-(0)170-7767022. We would like to provide you with some useful tips for your own safety, so that you do not experience any negative surprises when you purchase a boat.

    • Pre-payments, payment procedures:Do not agree to any pre-payment until you have carefully checked the proper identity of the seller. You will need to be extra cautious if payment is to be made to a foreign account (by TNT or Western Union).

    • Trustee service:Some sellers may suggest to use a trustee service or contractor to facilitate any payments. Please carefully check any trustee services. We do not offer a trustee service and we only provide a means of contact to the seller.

    • Boote zu unglaublich“ günstigen PreisenIf you should find any boats that are on offer for an extremely low price, please first check them thoroughly.

    • Foreign chequesIf you should receive a foreign cheque from an interested party, please speak to your bank with regard to any risks that may arise. It is possible that foreign cheques may bounce. Should your boat already be on the way to a foreign destination, you will be faced with a problem.

    • Boat check You will find a list of boats that have either been stolen or are missing. Please check the offer before purchasing.

    Mitglieder Bereich has a new managing area for your boats now: Boatadmin.

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